Get to Know Your Beekeeper
Gareth's passion for bees and honey turned an idea into a reality when Manchester Honey Company was founded in 2021.
Gareth had been keeping a small number of beehives as a hobby until Covid-19 struck in 2020. With everyone at home, furloughed from work, he started receiving multiple calls a week to collect swarms from gardens in and around Trafford. By the end of Summer 2020, his five hives had multiplied to twenty five and he set about sharing his wonderfully pure honey with the people of Manchester.
Gareth is passionate about producing honey sustainably, with the health of the honeybee colony his main priority. He chooses not to treat the bees with any chemicals and doesn't substitute any of their hard earned honey stores with sugar syrup. When you purchase honey from Manchester Honey Company, you are getting unadulterated Raw & Pure honey as the bees intended for it to be eaten.
The plants visited by the bees in each each postcode will vary from year to year. Like a fine wine, the flavours in each honey batch will reflect this and vary between apiary and harvest year.